1865 University College London - Donaldson Medal Historical Medallion by JS & AB Wyon
Regular price £130.00
1866 Benjamin West, Painter Historical Medallion by W Wilson
Regular price £110.00
1866 Foundation of the Cobden Club Historical Medallion by JS & AB Wyon
Regular price £180.00
1867 William Dyce, Painter Historical Medallion by G G Adams
1870 Charles Leslie, Painter & Author Historical Medallion by A B Wyon
Regular price £120.00
1870 St Thomas' Hospital - Mead Medal by L C Wyon
Regular price £650.00
1872 City of London Case - Prince of Wales, National Thanksgiving by Wyon
Regular price £50.00
1872 William Etty, Painter Historical Medallion by G G Adams
1873 London Missionary Society, Livingstone Memorial Medal by A Wyon
Regular price £190.00
1874 John Gibson, Sculptor Historical Medallion by J S Wyon
1874 Marriage of Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh to Marie Alexandrovna of Russia Historical Medallion by C Schnitzspahn
Regular price £385.00
1875 David Roberts, Painter Historical Medallion by G T Morgan
Regular price £160.00
1877 Opening of Manchester Town Hall Historical Medallion by Anon
Regular price £80.00
1877 William Mulready, Painter Historical Medallion by G G Adams
1878 Art Union of London - Daniel Maclise, Painter Historical Medallion by AB Wyon
Regular price £140.00
1879 David Cox, Painter Historical Medallion by G T Morgan
1880 Sunday School Centenary Historical Medallion
Regular price £25.00
1880 Thomas Stothard, Painter Historical Medallion by L C Wyon
1881 Queen Victoria - International Medical Congress Historical Medallion by L C Wyon
1882 Edward Baily, Sculptor Historical Medallion by A B Wyon